Not quite that dramatic but Adam is no longer in the infant class at school. I have sidestepped a little from cards and scrapping and stumbled upon
papercraft gifting. After the success of the Easter boxes I was itching to have another go and when I found the template for these boxes I had to make them.

As he was leaving the infants class though, I wanted to get his actual teacher and her assistant something to remind them of Adam so we went to the garden centre and got the following - completely inspired by the plant name!

I asked some teacher friends which gift they've loved and one said she'd had a plant with a painted pebble so I stole that idea and made the pebbles (with help from Adam) a gift tag instead.

I took a trip to the florist for some
cellophane and paper and hey presto - two wrapped plants. I loved how they came out.
I'm not sure if it was a coincidence but on Leaver's Day Adam won the Creativity award!
Don't throw the painted stones but I am now thinking of Christmas gifts - ouch!!!!
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