Monday 30 April 2012

Busy weekend!!!!

Why is it that when I've cards to make I just want to scrap???? I really do need to get some cards in the post ASAP but I'm addicted to Craft Artist and would happily scrap every photo I have loaded onto my laptop at the moment! I'm actually doing a good job attempting this at the moment :o
I've downloaded kits galore ready for our weekend away next week for those nights in since we will be vanbound as we are taking Cherie! I actually can't wait!

This is a collection of Adam playing with his 'huge' bear! Now he's older the bear doesn't seem so big but he was back then! I love the fun he is having in these photos. The thing I'm loving about digi scrapping (and I am happily munching my words from back when I didn't see the point!) is that I can enjoy scrapping photos I wouldn't scrap onto paper. You can just keep on scrapping without thinking of the supplies you are using - the only cost is my time, valuable as that is - I am having so much fun! I also cropped one photo and now have a much wanted photo of Adam's baby feet! I have many painted prints but never took one of just his feet! They are cute though aren't they!!!!

Oh what a grump!!!!! I have no memory of why he is so grumpy here but this is one of my favourite photos, does that make me a bad Mummy????? I had fun playing with Craft Artist on this one, using the dropper to change the letters from black to teal! I also love the colours of this kit - which is You, me and Sea btw!

The journalling on this tells the story of how Cherie got very wet on her first encounter with the sea! She is a very good swimmer though ;o)

Adam has always been able to sleep on a clothes line and this photo shows this well! Poor Suzi was so patient just lying there waiting for him to wake and move!

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