Well, I have bags under my eyes Ryan Air would charge the national debt to take on board and a house Kim and Aggie would recoil in horror at to prove I've been very involved craft wise this week! I've had my stash everywhere from the table next to the chair in the lounge, the dining table, the kitchen worktops and even the playroom had a pile of papers hiding and pretending to be toys! Why, oh why a neat freak would choose papercraft as a hobby, especially when she isn't fortunate enough to have a 'Craft Room ;-( . Anyhows, I have been progressing and thanks to a few good friends and a few more great websites I've found things to help me progress and things to enjoy.
This page really is one I've been wanting to scrap for such a long time. The day is still so vivid in my mind, playing with Adam on the bed with his teddy which was as big as he was. I can hear his giggles in my mind now! That is one sound that just melts away any stresses, any worries and fears, whilst listening to the giggling you feel your heart expand to rib cracking proportions and wonder if you could bottle the moment to bring out on those rainy 'low' days.
I'm not altogether happy with the page though, I have no flowers so I improvised with curling ribbon I fashioned into a flower but I think it dissolves too much into the backing paper so may change it when I get some lovely blue flowers.

These cards were made when I should have been tidying up! I made the pink/green card from some scraps I'd overprinted a while back. The papers are from Craft Beautifuls website - more freebies!! I totally luuurve them, they are so fresh and cheering that you can't help but smile when you see them. The one above it I also made from some scrap papers - Brenda Pinnick this time, along with an embellishment I'd forgotten I had. Spurred on by this one and finding the Ramblers embellies I'd bought with my sister in law in mind, I decided to be ahead of my game and make her birthday card which is after Christmas - crikey! I'll be making Christmas cards next week :-O Think I made it to bed before 1am that night, just!
Shabby Princess was one site I was directed to, oh my! what beautiful papers etc to download, and free too! Now were I a whizz on here I would link the site but sadly I'm a technophobe and you will have to Google! I made a fab layout (above) which I intend to make for real using My Minds Eyes papers and embellies, in fact I'm multitasking as i type, I'm printing the photo and some backing papers!!!
This black and white one is special! Not only because it is totally gorgeous but because I got to play with my new baby!!!! I decided I deserved my birthday present early this year and bought a Craft Robo Lite! I've been ummming and ahhhhh (more argh really)ing for a while now as to which way to go with a die cutter. The thing that made my mind up was I looking online for a circle punch and it being £10+, and we all know you need more than one size circle punch! So I went for the Robo. Oh my, it's not for the light hearted. OK, if you want circles it's pretty simple, but if you want other things then enrol on a graphic arts night class! I did, with the help of some clever people on UKSrappers site, manage to download a template for the scalloped flowers - the central circle with phrase is all mine though!!!!! And boy am I proud of myself for that. Printing the phrase and then lining it up to be cut was no mean feat, OK I know it's not 'perfect' but give me a break, I'd had the machine less than 24 hours! I looked online today and you can buy the templates which maybe a route I will take as it's hard enough finding time to click 'print' never mind create files in a programme I'm scared of, also if I don't then this wee machine (and it is wee, so great if you've a small craft space) won't work as hard as I'd like it to.
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