I had a moment last year - probably Kirsty Allsops fault - when I 'needed' to make some cookie mix jars. I decided to make them this year for Adam and Lucy but have yet to fill them as I want them to last a while!! So, these are prototypes! think I need to do something about the writing on the back of the label - my writing is shocking! I've yet to decide on the contents and would have like to have road tested the recipe but I don't see that happening as I think time has expired on the baking side of this year! Now these I do keep taking a peek at, they are adorably cute!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Down the 'handmade gift' road again - I do think I like this detour!
I had a moment last year - probably Kirsty Allsops fault - when I 'needed' to make some cookie mix jars. I decided to make them this year for Adam and Lucy but have yet to fill them as I want them to last a while!! So, these are prototypes! think I need to do something about the writing on the back of the label - my writing is shocking! I've yet to decide on the contents and would have like to have road tested the recipe but I don't see that happening as I think time has expired on the baking side of this year! Now these I do keep taking a peek at, they are adorably cute!
Last Minute Quick Makes!
Thursday, 2 December 2010
December 1st, the date my parents married!
Can't believe they have been married for 48 years
that is one scary figure! When you say those words
'until death do us part' 48 years just doesn't sit there on the radar does it? I've done 25 next year and that is scary enough, especially since I am still a teenager!!! How can I have been married for longer than I have been alive - child bride, that was me! Anyways, back to the card! I was helping a crafty friend out and happened upon the SP papers and HAD to download the romantic ones! I love them, love them, love them. I also bought some text paper a bit back that I wanted to make a flower with using the robo file i bought from DAN (I love that guy!) This was the first one I have ever done! I'm happy with it, but Mum wasn't!!! I had to send it in a box - need to think of postage when making cards to send - and she had to go collect it from the post office! I Had the gorgeous Laura Ashley cream and burgundy ribbons in and the label and dotty mirri is me playing with my new baby - my big shot that i bought from my sales!!!!!! Can't believe I earned enough to buy one! Don't think my hubby can either and I'm sure he's checking the funds lol!!!! Oh and the peel-offs, something I don't routinely use - were freebies with the big shot! the writing was done care of my clever robo! Wish I could say I did it my hand! After writing this post I am now wondering if Mum managed to work out how to display this card, my colleagues proved this is not 'automatic' upon receipt of an easel card - bless them!
that is one scary figure! When you say those words
'until death do us part' 48 years just doesn't sit there on the radar does it? I've done 25 next year and that is scary enough, especially since I am still a teenager!!! How can I have been married for longer than I have been alive - child bride, that was me! Anyways, back to the card! I was helping a crafty friend out and happened upon the SP papers and HAD to download the romantic ones! I love them, love them, love them. I also bought some text paper a bit back that I wanted to make a flower with using the robo file i bought from DAN (I love that guy!) This was the first one I have ever done! I'm happy with it, but Mum wasn't!!! I had to send it in a box - need to think of postage when making cards to send - and she had to go collect it from the post office! I Had the gorgeous Laura Ashley cream and burgundy ribbons in and the label and dotty mirri is me playing with my new baby - my big shot that i bought from my sales!!!!!! Can't believe I earned enough to buy one! Don't think my hubby can either and I'm sure he's checking the funds lol!!!! Oh and the peel-offs, something I don't routinely use - were freebies with the big shot! the writing was done care of my clever robo! Wish I could say I did it my hand! After writing this post I am now wondering if Mum managed to work out how to display this card, my colleagues proved this is not 'automatic' upon receipt of an easel card - bless them!
Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Christmas is all wrapped up....
Monday, 22 November 2010
How did my husband become 50????
My god, 50! that is dinosaur age to me still (although I'm not that many years behind). Remember when you were a kid at school? 50 was past retirement and well into dotage! Well, let me tell you, 50 is the new 30! I don't think he looks it and certainly doesn't act it - mmmmm apart from he doesn't jump to the paint roller as quickly and nimbly as he did at 25! That's another shocker, silver anniversary next year - my word, I'm too young for that - surely!!!!!
Anyways, here are the cards I made for him this year! The photo was a new technique for me where you print off a photocopy of the photo and then 'transfer fashion' turn it upside down on card stock and using a 'cheap' nail polish remover, dampen the back of the picture, this was the result I got. It did vary from picture to picture and paper to paper but I love the effect, less harsh than a photo. LOL at the drum one, this was sooooo much fun to do and very simple really. He is a drummer - I acknowledge the 'is' as I heard the evidence for the first time in 25 years. He bought a kit a few years ago and finally got round to putting them up in the empty conservatory tonight, he and Adam tried their best to smash all that glass!
Baby's first christmas
When making this I had no idea what I should do or where to go for inspiration. After playing with cardboard I thought it would be nice if part of the card could be used as a tree ornament and set about looking for files on baubles. Thankfully a clever person made one (craftrobostore) I bought it and created this card from said baubles! The bauble is removeable but I have no idea as to the longevity of the bauble. Hopefully, if treated with care it will last a year or two!!!
I love this card, the pearl effect makes it more lush and having ribbons and pearls to match was pure luck but good luck.
I love this card, the pearl effect makes it more lush and having ribbons and pearls to match was pure luck but good luck.
Missed this one!
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Ramblings of a crazy lady!!!!
Well, today while at a school craft event I got talking to some of the mums. They know from past conversations when I've mentioned crafting that I make cards and scrap. Today though, I think I probably left them with the impression that I'm either completely bonkers and need to learn to let others partake in a conversation, or I am truly passionate about anything crafty! I am hanging my head in shame at my monopoly and need to remember that other people may not be interested in embossing, distressing and gesso!
Monday, 1 November 2010
New exploding box!
Wow, ooops, I was going to say I was on a roll for October, but just realised today is November 1st! I did start these in October though, so does that count? I was asked for a 70th card for a friends mother in law. My friend gave me loads to go on, such a help when you can get an image of the person if you don't know who you are making them for. She told me her likes and parts of her life, so I included little motifs under the text on each page to match relevant parts of her
life history. Being 70 and using a square box, I was left with a blank
page and wondered what to do with it - checked back at the brief I was given and there was a mention of her gorgeous little granddaughters, how much bigger a part of your life do they get!! So, in went a lovely picture of them together. I'm loving going down the 'gift' side of card making. Doing flat ones are all well and good and there is a sure need for them, but doing the special makes is such a pleasure and indulgence it surely should be rationed!!!
New 'word book'
I was asked to make a 2nd birthday card for a friend. I knew exactly where to go with a style, I knew she would love his name spelt out in a word book - she, like all us mums, loves her boy! So I set to making the letters and cutting the card still with no idea of where I would end.
After finishing the 'bones' of the card I pondered what to put on the pages - I thought of the toppers I had but then, after looking at the pics of the little man, thought how lovely it would be to make a mini scrapbook and include a pic with each member of the family. These are such a special card for little people and definately keepers! Hail that 1st person that thought one day - oooh I could make a word book!!!
Sunday, 31 October 2010
Christmas mass production
Bless my little darling, each October half term I roll out this years card design for him to put together in the form of Christmas cards for his 'mates'. Usually this is for class friends and family members only. We did one year, make them with my niece too, funnily enough, she's never been back for the October half term!!! Anyhow, Friday night was the time for this years makes and bless, now he's 7 his ability is far more capable than previous years. I printed some papers I had files for and then randomly cut triangles which I then gave to him. I made up one card with him watching and then left him to it. I know it's not a difficult design but making 25 at his age is very taxing but he did it! I found a stamp for the front, tried it in silver and gold but the green card blank was too dark so we settled on white and I think he did a fantastic job stamping them up. He's even stamped the inserts ready to glue in later! mmmmm, maybe I could enlist his help in future makes I plan.......
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Quicky card
My close friends are having a spell of , not bad luck, more of a time when things are very demanding and fraught. I knew I wanted to send a card to them to say I was thinking of them - as they know I always do. I love this card, I loved making it, sometimes when you know where it is going it helps the love you put into it - does that make me sound like I'm starting to loose things, I know what I mean. One of the main challenges, not that it was a challenge, was the number of stamps I used!!!! 7 in total!!! I don't think I've used that many in a month, never mind one card! I love it and I know its new owners will love and appreciate it too. I hope someone 'upstairs' will lay off them for a while, they've more than had their turn!
'It's good to be alive' weather
A phrase coined by a close friend of mine and this picture was taken on one of those special days. I ADORE this photo, sometimes the gal does good when clicking away with the camera and this is one of those sometimes. The setting is one of our favourite dog walks in North Yorkshire, the child is mine!! The 'mood' in this photo makes my heart swell and I have a huge surge of love that rushes through me like a drug. I knew when I saw this photo that I had to scrap it and quickly, I also knew that there could be no journalling, no ribbons, buttons nor bows, this picture demanded ALL the attention, so I began by inking up some tissue paper, recycled from a shoe box I've been hoarding. I 'rolled' it onto glossy card stock with a kitchen roll (later to transformed into a scrapbook, the kitchen roll did good!) then, using one of the leaves we collected that day I spritzed my glimmer mists in 3 shades of Autumn,
the leaf itself is now stunningly shimmery! As I couldn't use the said leaf, it is already in a state of decline and would disintegrate within days, laminating would spoil her beauty, so I printed and inked one from my files. I got out my friend Robbie the Robo and cut out the title once I had decided on one. I spritzed this with the shimmers too to tie it all together. Simplicity isn't always simple mind, and this LO wasn't as quick as it appears it should have been, but then the picture dictates plenty of love and care be taken, and it was.
Wow, busy October
Well I've had a busy month so far. I have a head full of things to complete before the Big Man arrives on 25th December along with all non-crafty things that come along with Christmas. Firstly, I am gutted that I was not organised enough to have enough to sell at Adam's school Christmas night next month. I am, however, going to be more organised, now I know I have a market and my 'makes' are actually liked by other people - who'd have thought eh? Certainly not me!
I made this ready for my gorgeous Niece's birthday next month. She is not a girly girl, but I'm sure she will forgive me indulging a 'tad', not to much, but a 'tad' girly here:-
This is made using kitchen roll tubes - 2 cut in half, great for shorter names ;) and hey, who'd have guessed I was capeable of making up 'verses' (using that term extremely loosely!) like these!!!
I really love the outcome of this book, it is certainly a new take on a card for me and one I can see me doing again and again for special people in my life :o)
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Card of the century!
I was asked by a friend to make a card for her grandmother who was approaching 100! I can't see me making many cards for 100th birthday! Anyhow, when deciding what to do I thought the occasion deserved more than a bi-fold, tri-fold or any kind of 'fold' card and needed something a little more 'wow'. Then, after coming up with the exploding box - I've only made two before and they were for family - I wondered what to put on the tabs, I have no photos to help here. I came up with the idea of putting the news of the century on the tabs and being a pentagon I could use a decade per tab. Research for news took most of the time on this project. I recently bought some lovely Laura Ashley papers and ribbons and they seemed fitting for this box. I am totally besotted with all the Prima pearls and crystal swirls and one I had was just the right size for the lid on this. Loads of inking done here - I have the brown thumb of a crafter! I love this little box, I love the idea of the news stories and have updated my history at the same time! Hope my customer likes what I've made.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Sunday, 26 September 2010
I absolutely love this card! I really really do. I'm thinking of enlarging this to 12 x 12 - well, doing a 12 x 12 version. I've been wanting to make a family set of lo's and this is a fantasic one of my sister. The papers tie in with the photo so well, even though the patterned one is from the Dovecraft Eastern Promise collection, it shouted 70's to me. The Prima pearls are one of my favourite things at the moment and she is one lucky person for me to be using them on! So far they have been purely for looking and stroking! I hope she likes this as she says last years wasn't up to par ;( Can't wait for her reaction!
I made this shortly after making the card, it was that beautiful I wanted my own version and it's the start of my 'Family' pages! I have put a plaque in the left hand corner (should you think it looks a little lonesome up there) but as it has her name and dob i figured i should leave it off a public page! I love the wordings on this, I purposefully did them the same yet different as that is my sister, whilst the 'same' person, she has 'different' roles - deep eh!!!! Dad pointed out I'd forgotten 'Niece' - ooops! I had serious fun making this LO as the plummy coloured matt was something I've wanted to do but never had the time. I stamped, shimmered, tore, tattered and stitched!!!! I call it 'creative' others may call it 'messing about' :p
1st birthday card..
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Ooooh, commisions!!!
I was asked by a friend to make two wedding cards, and for this she was willing to subsidise my crafting addiction :0 . The Groom is Spanish and they live in Northern Spain. I had no idea where to start with this, but after a google of Catalan weddings, the only thing that stood out was the heavy use of lace. When wasting - I mean stocking up on some craft essentials I found this gorgeous lace in a shop and had to have some. I then looked in on a local shop that has just opened and as is popular, they have the 'fill your box' paper deal and although I didn't have time to do that, I did spot the stunning backing card used here! This was where the colouring came from and the fact that when I think of Spain, I think terracota! The brown ribbon was off a box of chocolates. The rest were stock items. I have had a tray of beads for a long while now and they went beautifully on the cute pins I've recently bought. I love this card. It's not 'weddingy' per se, but it is romantic and I, for a change, love one of my cards!
Little Man's Birthday....
.... and as I have done for most of his birthdays, I got out the flour and eggs and produced the following yummy things:-
I love how this turned out - not totally professional (would have shaped the round cake) but for Adam it was perfect. He loved the bunker best and he and Lucy were convinced completely when I said I was filling it from Adams sandpit!
These were a little idea from another web site. I am soooooo in love with these I could think of so many reasons to make more. I decided to bag them and giving them to the party guests instead of cutting up the golf cake and wrapping them in a mad rush at the end.
OMG when did I get old enough to have a 7yr old? Heck who am I kidding, some school friends are Grannies, but I'm not that old!!! Oh no, not me!!!!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
My gorgeous niece
black and white ones. I'd been playing with them digitally for a while but couldn't find a 12 x 12 paper I liked for the background. Thanks to My Minds Eye I managed and have a pad full of their gorgeous papers left over to do more. These LOs are of my lovely Niece.
For some reason I went against the norm and photographed both sets against a window - not a good idea and they seem a little washed, they don't for real though.
End of an era
Not quite that dramatic but Adam is no longer in the infant class at school. I have sidestepped a little from cards and scrapping and stumbled upon papercraft gifting. After the success of the Easter boxes I was itching to have another go and when I found the template for these boxes I had to make them.

As he was leaving the infants class though, I wanted to get his actual teacher and her assistant something to remind them of Adam so we went to the garden centre and got the following - completely inspired by the plant name!
I asked some teacher friends which gift they've loved and one said she'd had a plant with a painted pebble so I stole that idea and made the pebbles (with help from Adam) a gift tag instead.
I took a trip to the florist for some cellophane and paper and hey presto - two wrapped plants. I loved how they came out.
As he was leaving the infants class though, I wanted to get his actual teacher and her assistant something to remind them of Adam so we went to the garden centre and got the following - completely inspired by the plant name!
I'm not sure if it was a coincidence but on Leaver's Day Adam won the Creativity award!
Don't throw the painted stones but I am now thinking of Christmas gifts - ouch!!!!
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